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Plurilock January 2024 Newsletter

Plurilock January 2024 Newsletter

Plurilock January 2024 Newsletter

Learning Technology in K-12 Schools Poses Unique Cybersecurity Challenges

Chrome OS mixed with Windows and Mac. FERPA data, social engineering, and online student safety. Overstretched IT teams with limited budgets. Securing learning technology in schools is hard—but we have a checklist of what schools and districts should look for.

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Web Link

Integra Networks host IGEL in this interactive Webinar discussing cost-effective, secure and efficient end point management with IGEL OS!

Press Release

The sale is the latest in a series of transactions between Plurilock and U.S. public sector customers in recent months.

Press Release

Global cybersecurity threats in healthcare underscore the critical importance of cybersecurity for organizations worldwide.

Web Link

Plurilock CEO Ian L. Paterson sat down with Steve Darling to talk about recent cyber attacks, plans for 2024, and the danger to healthcare.

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