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Secure Zapier with Plurilock AI

Make Zapier easier to access for employees—while establishing cybersecurity controls to enhance security.

  • Enable employees to use one login and password to access Zapier and all your cloud apps
  • Implement additional controls to ensure that Zapier operates on a least-privilege basis

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Access Control Features

Single sign-on (SSO) Enable employees to access Zapier and other applications at your organization by signing on just once, at the beginning of the day. ✔
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) Secure access to Zapier and other applications using multi-factor authentication without having to purchase an additional MFA solution. ✔
Passwordless login Enable employees to log in to Zapier and other applications by using a secure FIDO2 device or identifier rather than a password. ✔
Control access by device Limit employee access to Zapier and other applications to particular employee devices. ✔
Control access by location Limit employee access to Zapier and other applications to particular geographic locations. ✔
Control access by time Limit employee access to Zapier and other applications by time of day. ✔
Control access by browser Limit employee access to Zapier and other applications by browser and browser version. ✔

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Controls

Control internal sharing Impose restrictions on data sharing between units in your company. ✔
Control external sharing Impose restrictions on data sharing to third-parties. ✔
Control data previews Impose restrictions around data file file previews. ✔
Control data downloads Impose restrictions on the downloading of internal data to endpoints. ✔
Control data deletion Impose restrictions on the deletion of company cloud data. ✔
Control clipboard use Impose restrictions on coyping and pasting company data. ✔
Control printing Impose restrictions on the printing of company data. ✔
Control email attachment access Impose restrictions on accessing email attachments. ✔
Email containerization Containerize email to prevent attacks and secure data. ✔
Storage containerization Containerize company data stores to prevent data leakage. ✔
Block personal accounts Block personal Zapier accounts from work devices. ✔
Control synchronization Impose restrictions on data synchronization to ensure the integrity of company cloud data. ✔

Single sign-on support included for app applications that support Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). Support for non-SAML is available as an optional Plurilock AI capability.

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