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Plurilock AI is a Quadrant Gold Medalist for the Fifth Year Running

Fully 90 percent of customers interviewed by Info-Tech said they'd recommend Plurilock's SSO, CASB, and DLP solution to others. All said they were planning to renew.

Don’t look now, but Plurilock AI has been named a quadrant gold medalist for the fifth year running  by Info-Tech and

Products from lumbering technology industry behemoths may often get more press and awareness, but in the real world, customers love Plurilock AI.

What is Plurilock AI?

Plurilock AI is Plurilock’s modular, proprietary cybersecurity platform that provides organizations with foundational cybersecurity capabilities like:

  • Single sign-on (SSO) and flexible access controls

  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) and passwordless authentication (FIDO2)

  • Cloud access security brokerage (CASB)

  • Cloud data loss prevention (DLP)

  • Real-time AI identity via behavioral biometrics

It’s available in configurations primarily for authentication and cloud access (Plurilock AI Cloud), for data loss prevention, and compliance (Plurilock AI DLP), and for comprehensive identity and data security and auditability (Plurilock AI Complete).

Why is Plurilock AI Coming Out on Top?

There are any number of competing SSO and DLP products in the marketplace from larger companies—Google, Microsoft, Okta, Forcepoint, McAfee, Trellix, and so on.

So why does Plurilock AI rank highly enough to be named a quadrant gold medalist five years running? Plurilock AI:

  • Easier to deploy and configure than competing solutions. Plurilock AI was designed for the cloud era, and is less complex and less encumbered with legacy edge cases than many competing platforms.

  • Accessible to more business types and sizes. Plurilock AI doesn’t need a team of expert IT staff to configure and use, and customers love working with our support team, which isn’t buried under the layers of bureaucracy and contractese you’ll get with far larger providers.

  • Priced for affordability vs. competing solutions. It’s used by some large enterprises, yes, but Plurilock AI is also designed to be affordable even to SMBs, since everyone needs cybersecurity in 2024.

In the rankings, based in part on feedback to Info-Tech from actual customers, an overwhelming majority our customers have indicated that they love Plurilock AI—90 percent said they would recommend it to others, and 100 percent of customers surveyed by Info-Tech planned to renew.

Who Needs Plurilock AI?

Plurilock AI is a scalable platform able to serve everyone from SMBs just looking for login security and MFA (at the smallest scale) to large enterprises looking for integrated IAM, DLP, and continuous authentication with behavioral biometrics (at the larger end of things).

But in general you might need Plurilock AI if your organization:

  • Is still relying on usernames and passwords for login

  • Finds Okta, Microsoft Entra, or other SSO solutions to be either too complex or too expensive

  • Doesn’t currently have a way to ensure that employees can only access data or applications at certain times, or from certain devices or locations

  • Doesn’t currently have a way to ensure that sensitive data does not end up in email or on social media due to poor employee choices

  • Is aware that it needs cybersecurity help, but lacks in-house cybersecurity or IT expertise

  • Is looking for ways to achieve significant cost savings in cybersecurity without compromising usability or capability

Talk to Us Today

You don’t get to be a quadrant gold medalist five years running without being a great solution that represents a great value for the companies that use it.

Reach out and talk to us  for a live demonstration and see how Plurilock AI can help you to boost cybersecurity and compliance while also lowering costs relative to the solutions you’re using today. ■

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