Data and security breaches. Regional warfare. Natural disasters. Pandemics and social crises. Supply chain instability and opacity.
These are challenging times in technology. The rates of just about every cause of significant business risk are accelerating—along with the need to manage this risk carefully and to resolve complex, unpredictable crises as quickly as they emerge.
This is why Plurilock Critical Services exists.
What is Critical Services?
Plurilock Critical Services is a veteran team of Plurilock specialists and engineers with experience that runs the gamut from K-12 network updates to multinational data governance strategy to mission-critical AS/400 migration in war-torn areas.

In part, we specialize in:
Digital transformation: cloud and multi-cloud infrastructure and migration, enterprise networking, technology logistics, data and AI implementation and migration, and continuity and resilience design
Cyber engineering: cloud security, identity security, network security, endpoint, on-premises, and cloud data loss prevention
Cyber operations: penetration testing, environment and surface hardening, threat intelligence and monitoring, incident response and management, digital forensics, disaster recovery, security awareness and training
Advisory and GRC services: standards and compliance assessments (SOC 1 and 2, ISO 27001, CMMC, NIST and NIST CSF, PCI, MITRE, and others), supply chain and geopolitical risk assessment and management, cyber maturity optimization, resilience training, war gaming, and tabletop exercises
Why Plurilock is the Ideal Critical Services Provider
Plurilock is an AI cybersecurity innovator, a world-class solutions consultant, and a full stack technology reseller.
Unlike many other organizations, Plurilock has the experience, expertise, and resources to provide end-to-end solutions, from strategy and planning through procurement, deployment and integration, at enterprise scale.

World-class research and engineering expertise. Founded as a research spinout, Plurilock holds multiple patents, boasts a team of PhD data scientists and software engineers, and offers its own comprehensive line of cybersecurity products.
World-class field expertise. Working hand-in-hand our research and engineering team, our veteran team of battle-tested technology, platform, and vendor field engineers holds some of the world’s most exclusive certifications.
World-class, same-team procurement. Our Aurora division is a world-class VAR with access to every leading technology product and platform in use in business today—often at significant cost advantage due to our relationships and volume.
We offer what others can’t. One team that handles every part of the solution process, from discussion and ideation through procurement and successful deployment and integration.
Speed, Geopolitics, Mobilization, and Agility
Federal, state, and local governments choose Plurilock. Financials, semiconductor manufacturers, and discerning Fortune 1000 companies choose Plurilock. Here’s why.
History has returned with a vengeance—and it’s moving quickly. This plays to Plurilock’s strengths.
Deep geopolitical and federal government ties. Because of its history of cybersecurity innovation, Plurilock has a uniquely deep bench of board members and advisors from the defense and security sectors.
Mobilization times others can’t match. Most consultancies and service providers measure their mobilization times in months or quarters. Plurilock Critical Services mobilizes in days to weeks. In 2024, that can be the difference between life and death.
Examples of Recent Critical Services Work
Here’s a selection of recent work to illustrate the kinds of work Plurilock is routinely engaged to do—as the diversity of environments, contexts, and problem sets that Plurilock is asked to confront.

Complex physical network refresh in dense urban environment. Enabled a major urban library system in the United States to relaunch their complex WiFi system, across many dozens of locations, in unforgiving architectural environments, without downtime.
Extensive custom integration between disparate systems. Deployed an extensive integration framework between the high-security IAM stack at a large healthcare provider and their remote access solution, enabling seamless remote work without compromising compliance.
Downtime-free network redesign and redeploy. Designed and deployed a new, redundant VPN and IPsec network for a major manufacturer, enabling transformation through advance staged configurations to achieve zero downtime.
WAN bandwidth optimization in the midst of a major rollout. Helped a major supplier with offices worldwide to rearchitect their WAN without downtime when previous plans proved insufficient during a major new infrastructure rollout.
Rapid incident response and remediation for malware attack. Ensured the rapid recovery of a public organization after multiple servers were infected by ransomware, including network-wide impact assessment, audits, and remediation to prevent future recurrence.
Urgent legacy environment lift-and-shift in a conflict zone. Transitioned a combined IT/OT network with legacy pre-gateway TCP/IP and onsite AS/400 metal into a modern, fully virtualized cloud-based environment—all while working around the uncertainties and contingencies of IT work in a conflict zone.
Need to learn more about Plurilock Critical Services? Visit our Critical Services homepage or take a look at our Critical Services case studies.
And if you’re in need of the capabilities that Critical Services offers, reach out and contact us. ■