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Wireless Implementation and Site Survey

When a large library system in the New York metropolitan area needed to upgrade their wireless infrastructure across 40 locations, they turned to Plurilock for support in implementing a solution. As part of the deployment, the company also required a passive site survey at each location after the installation of the new wireless hardware was complete. The organization chose Plurilock based on their lengthy experience with the Extreme wireless solution.

THE Challenge

The library system has many locations in the New York metropolitan area, 40 of which they needed to replace the wireless equipment at. Given the design of the buildings, a tall ladder is needed to hang most of the access points. The locations are often in densely populated urban centers, making it challenging to park and bring equipment such as the ladders needed for these installations. Because the libraries are operational during the day, the installations typically need to occur early in the mornings before the libraries are open to the public.


  • Sent multiple engineers to various locations, often completing a few sites per week, and provided onsite professional services throughout the project
  • Provided the necessary equipment, including a 10-foot ladder, at many locations, bringing the ladder(s) and equipment into some very dense urban areas where parking and access are complicated
  • Labeled all access points per the company’s naming scheme, updated the firmware and configuration using the company’s templates, and performed a site survey
  • Provided a detailed report of the wireless coverage after completing the installation of the new access points at every location, ensuring maximum coverage and performance


  • Deployed multiple engineers to complete sites each week and provided on-site professional services
  • Provided necessary equipment, including 10-foot ladders, in dense urban areas with complicated access
  • Labeled all access points and updated firmware configurations using company templates, and performed site surveys
  • Provided detailed wireless coverage reports after completing access point installation at every location for maximum performance.

The organization chose Plurilock based on their lengthy experience with the Extreme wireless solution.

Wireless Implementation and Site Survey

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