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Plurilock Authentication:
Behavioral Biometrics for the Enterprise

Top-tier enterprises are struggling with YubiKey MFA.

Enterprises are realizing that old MFA solutions like YubiKey aren’t working out—and that behavioral biometrics is the future.

Hardware-based authentication solutions like YubiKey can:

  • Cause critical frustration in an elite talent pool
  • Delay approval workflows in a velocity-centric industry
  • Lead to unexpected issues and help desk volume
  • Lead to ambiguity in “who did what” non-repudiation logs

Reduce your reliance on hardware MFA—and enable logs that couldn’t be refuted with “someone borrowed my key” or “someone borrowed my credentials” excuses.

Get the PDF to see how Plurilock can solve the YubiKey problem.

How Invisible Authentication Can Reduce Authentication Friction

Strong protection for top-secret, proprietary code and data. A massive reduction in delays and extra steps. Compliance-ready non-repudiation logs. See how we help organizations deploy invisible authentication without sacrificing strong MFA.

Click Here →

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"Plurilock delivered on their promise to reduce authentication friction, and we were surprised at how efficient and simple to administer the system is. The authentication really is biometric-strong—and we've seen very few false alarms."

—CIO, EdTech Vendor

"Plurilock helped us safeguard our support tools by adding an additional layer of security. Our agents log in frequently, and the unobtrusive and almost magical nature of Plurilock ensures they aren't constantly fumbling for a 2FA code, leading to faster SLAs and happier customers. As CTO, I get the peace of mind that our tools are secure."

—CTO, SaaS Knowledge Management Company

"Passwords are like cockroaches—nobody likes them, but they are extremely difficult to get rid of. One of the main reasons is that most alternatives introduce a new set of challenges—cost, complexity, and most of all, a negative user experience. Plurilock provides a nearly frictionless experience for users—no extra steps to take, no tokens to fumble around for, no PINs to enter, and nothing to remember."

—451 Research

See more about how Plurilock's invisible authentication technology works—and how it can protect your company and your users.

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