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Enable Your Students to Reset their Google Classroom Passwords—Even if They're Under 13

Google Won't Allow Your Students to Reset Their Own Passwords—But Plurilock AI Will!

Unlock hassle-free password management for students! Google’s age limit policy creates password reset challenges for underage users. Our Plurilock AI solution ensures a seamless experience, allowing students to reset passwords independently. Say goodbye to unnecessary hurdles!

Learn More About Plurilock AI

Talk to a Plurilock representative today to enable your students to reset their own passwords.

Click Here →

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“I was looking for email security and found several options in my search. What attracted me to CloudCodes was that they help you to implement security even if you’re not an expert. The admin console is very intuitive and easy to use. Why did I stay? Their service.”

—Joaquuin Marquez,
Chemical Coslett

“[Their] CASB solution has given me peace of mind by empowering me with the ability to implement additional security for Google apps for my organization. I would recommend the cloud security solution to everyone who uses Google Apps for work.”

—Hiral Pancholi,
Swastik Technopack

“We have some very sensitive information that staff can access and so are very concerned about keeping it ‘in house.’ Keeping staff productive and ensuring that the opportunities for negative actions against our organization are minimized is why we chose [the] solution. I feel a lot more secure...and highly recommend it.”

—John Smith,
OnTax Accountants Ltd.

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