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Plurilock vs. BehavioSec

How do these product families stack up?

Key Facts and Features

    Multi-factor authentication
   Continuous authentication
   Requires no additional devices
   Requires no new login steps
   Normally invisible to users
    Adaptive and risk-based
   Behavioral factors
   Difficult to overcome via theft
    Mobile step-up capability
    Easy corporate deployment
    Affordable for most companies

Disclaimer: The data shown above represents the opinion of Plurilock, Inc. and is not based on, nor does it include, data or analysis provided by any third parties. This information is provided only for comparison purposes. This data is intended neither to encourage nor discourage the use of BehavioSec or any other product. All trademarks shown are the property of their respective owners.

About Plurilock

Plurilock is the leading provider of invisible and continuous risk-based multi-factor authentication (MFA) solutions.

Plurilock products enable strong background MFA by using machine learning to analyze behavioral-biometric, environmental, and contextual identity factors.

About BehavioSec

BehavioSec provides continuous authentication based on dynamic movements and behavioral biometrics.

It allows companies to continuously verify digital identities with superior precision, in real-time.



External Reviews for BehavioSec

4 (4 stars)

“Innovative solution, great cooperation and support, more focus needed on data science. Cooperation and support + Availability of a Demo app + Technical knowledge of people involved + Innovative new solution that looks very promising - Documentation not completely up to date - Some promised futures are still not formally released (gestures) - Product is not always transparant, being more open about how the product works is important - We did not have a chance yet to talk about how to perform data science with BehavioSec and which specific fraud cases can be prevented with the tooling.”

Read more BehavioSec reviews on Gartner Peer Insights  

5 (5 stars)

“"Effective and simple implementation. Supportive if any issues arise and those get resolved. Product has become critical part of payment fraud detection. Company continue to evolve the product to support different platforms. New versions of products add new features to detect payment fraud. Product dashboard is unstable and missing features to become an important part of online fraud investigation process. "”

Read more BehavioSec reviews on Gartner Peer Insights 

5 (5 stars)

“Rapid results in reducing false positives after go live. Straightforward support for clarifications during the start phase. Great exchange about new fraud patterns which lead to immediately available enhancements of the product. Company continue to evolve the product to support more channels. Product upgrades provide permamently new features to improve profiling and fraud detection. Complexity due to customizations required by company.”

Read more BehavioSec reviews on Gartner Peer Insights 

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