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Plurilock vs. SecuredTouch

How do these product families stack up?

Key Facts and Features

    Multi-factor authentication
   Continuous authentication
   Requires no additional devices
   Requires no new login steps
   Normally invisible to users
    Adaptive and risk-based
   Behavioral factors
   Difficult to overcome via theft
   Mobile step-up capability
    Easy corporate deployment
    Affordable for most companies

Disclaimer: The data shown above represents the opinion of Plurilock, Inc. and is not based on, nor does it include, data or analysis provided by any third parties. This information is provided only for comparison purposes. This data is intended neither to encourage nor discourage the use of SecuredTouch or any other product. All trademarks shown are the property of their respective owners.

About Plurilock

Plurilock is the leading provider of invisible and continuous risk-based multi-factor authentication (MFA) solutions.

Plurilock products enable strong background MFA by using machine learning to analyze behavioral-biometric, environmental, and contextual identity factors.

About SecuredTouch

SecuredTouch offers behavioral biometric solutions for mobile transactions, delivering continuous authentication technologies to strengthen security and reduce fraud.

SecuredTouch collects and analyzes a dynamic set of behavioral parameters like keyboard-typing, scroll-velocity, touch pressure and finger size to automatically create a unique user behavioral profile, continuously verifying the user.


Behavioral Biometrics:

External Reviews for SecuredTouch

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