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Stop SaaS Revenue Loss From License Sharing

Illicit seat-sharing in SaaS weakens security, reduces experience quality, and costs SaaS companies billions in lost revenue. Now, there's an invisible solution to the problem.

Account Sharing Hurts Your Company—
Every Single Day

Let’s face it—account sharing is rampant in the world of SaaS. Just think what you could accomplish if that revenue was recovered!
Unfortunately, stopping account sharing is a tough nut to track. Every technical solution seems to increase friction and churn.
And that offsets any revenue gains you’d make.

Stop SaaS Revenue Loss From License Sharing

Illicit seat-sharing in SaaS weakens security, reduces experience quality, and costs SaaS companies billions in lost revenue. Now, there's an invisible solution to the problem.

Account Sharing Hurts Your Company—
Every Single Day

Let’s face it—account sharing is rampant in the world of SaaS. Just think what you could accomplish if that revenue was recovered!
Unfortunately, stopping account sharing is a tough nut to track. Every technical solution seems to increase friction and churn.
And that offsets any revenue gains you’d make.

You’re Authenticating
Credentials, Not People

The fundamental problem is simple. Your app recognizes credentials—not people. Yet one set of credentials might be used by:

  • Mary in Marketing
  • Steven in Sales
  • Ed in Engineering
  • Cecil in the C-Suite
  • ...and so on.

Since they’ve shared credentials with each other, your app has no way of knowing they’re not all the same person.

But what if it did?

Plurilock Enables You to Identify
People, Not Just Credentials

Plurilock ADAPT is what you’re looking for. ADAPT enables you to:

  • Identify actual people
  • Invisibly, in the background
  • As they complete your existing login
  • Regardless of credentials used
  • spot and stop illicit license and seat sharing.

Use ADAPT to achieve a behind-the-scenes identity check—one that recognizes real people without changes to your existing workflows.

Boom. Your account-sharing revenue-loss problem is solved.

It Works With Your Existing
Application and Workflows

Most importantly, all of this happens without changing your user experience at all—and with minimum disruption for your IT and development teams.
Plurilock ADAPT is integrated by adding just a couple of lines of JavaScript and HTML to your existing login code. Your users see no difference—unless identity anomalies are detected.
How does it work? What does it cost?
Learn more now or contact us to request a demo and pricing.

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