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Plurilock Introduces New ADAPT MFA Product, 2019 Authentication Guidelines

Leading cybersecurity provider Plurilock introduces cutting-edge multi-factor authentication platform to provide adaptive, risk-based, and device-free MFA for e


Victoria-based cybersecurity company Plurilock today announced the release of its newest product, ADAPT MFA. ADAPT MFA provides next-generation multi-factor authentication for Citrix, web, and enterprise environments using Plurilock’s own proprietary, device-free authentication stack.

Traditional multi-factor authentication (MFA) requires users to augment usernames and passwords with things possessed, such as phones, or things embodied, such as fingerprints, during the authentication process. Widely regarded as a security best practice and often required for regulatory and standards compliance, MFA is nonetheless regarded as a necessary evil, given the increased costs, complexity, and user frustration levels that typically accompany its deployment.

Plurilock ADAPT MFA solves these problems by relying instead on a risk-aware, AI-driven authentication engine that leverages patented Plurilock technologies. Transparent to end-users, the engine adaptively analyzes micro-patterns in behavior, environment, and context to provide fingerprint-strong identity confirmation without requiring specialized hardware, new training, control of user devices, or concessions in privacy and usability.

“ADAPT enables organizations to deploy strong multi-factor authentication without the need for phones, token fobs, or other headaches” says Ian Paterson, Plurilock CEO. “Clients that previously found MFA deployment to be difficult or costly can use ADAPT to achieve state-of-the-art MFA quickly, without breaking the budget and without the usual revolts among users and IT staff.”

As a part of the ADAPT MFA release, Plurilock has also added ADAPT’s capabilities to its industry-leading DEFEND continuous authentication product. DEFEND now invisibly validates identities both at initial sign-on and up to 800 subsequent times per day, as users work, making it the industry’s first end-to-end composite authentication solution. By analyzing behavioral-biometric, environmental, and contextual factors throughout user sessions, DEFEND protects against credential sharing, credential theft, walk-away attacks, automated or scripted attacks, and improper escalations across an enterprise’s internal endpoints, Citrix VDI sessions, and online applications.

Both ADAPT MFA and DEFEND are available to Citrix partners and to Plurilock resellers and distributors through the Plurilock partner program previously announced in 2018.

Alongside the release of ADAPT MFA and its inclusion in Plurilock DEFEND, the company has announced the availability of its 2019 Authentication Guide, which summarizes and augments current industry standards for authentication. The guide outlines Plurilock’s own recommendations for password policies, MFA infrastructure, and security best practices, providing insight into practical compliance issues and methods for busy security and IT administrators.

For additional information regarding ADAPT MFA, DEFEND, or Plurilock’s 2019 Authentication Guide, visit Plurilock at

About Plurilock

Plurilock is the leader in advanced and continuous authentication for standards and regulatory compliance. Plurilock’s software leverages state-of-the-art behavioral-biometric, environmental, and contextual technologies to provide invisible, adaptive- and risk-based MFA solutions with the lowest possible cost and complexity. Plurilock enables organizations in financial services, government, healthcare, and technology to compute safely—and with peace of mind.

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