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Cybersecurity Reference > Statistics Index


It takes 49 days on average to identify a ransomware attack.Source →
70% or organizations still rely on username-password for authentiction.Source →
47% of cyber attacks rely on poor password hygiene.Source →
59% increase in CVEs vs. 2021.Source →
26,448 software security flaws reported by CISA in 2022.Source →
63% of security decision makers say highest-level access not adequately secured.Source →
62% of security teams have limited environmental visibility.Source →
89% of security decision makers say their organizations have been targeted by ransomware in a year.Source →
59% of security decision makers say they couldn’t protect against a supply chain attack.Source →
98% of cybersecurity professionals use AI.Source →
92% of malware is delivered by email.Source →
71% of attacks in 2002 did not involve malware.Source →
DDoS attacks increased by 60% in the first half of 2022.Source →
47% of American adults have had personal information exposed by cyber criminals.Source →
600,000 Facebook accounts are taken over every day.Source →
43% of cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses.Source →
66% of small- or medium-sized businesses have been attacked in the last 12 months.Source →
45% of global organizations will be affected by a supply chain attack.Source →
236.1 million ransomware attacks in the first half of 2022.Source →
56% of American workers use generative AI for work tasks.Source →
26% of American workers say their company has an AI use policy.Source →
It takes 67 days on average for a compromise to be detected.Source →
Push attacks (MFA bombing) increased 133% between 2021 and 2022.Source →
74% of data breaches still involve a “human element.”Source →
50% of enterprise workloads now occur in the public cloud.Source →
Data leaks can cost up to 4% of revenue under GDPR.Source →
80% of data breaches still involve stolen credentials.Source →
61% of data breaches involve credential misuse.Source →
60% of organizations report authentication-related breaches.Source →
The Latitude Financial breach impacted 14 million records.Source →
It takes 277 days to identify and contain a breach.Source →
83% of breaches involve external actors.Source →
50% of all social engineering attacks are pretexting incidents.Source →
Ransomware is involved in 24% of all breaches.Source →
75% of companies are experiencing an increase in email-based threats.Source →
493.33 million ransomware attacks detected in 2022.Source →
Average cost of credential compromise breach is $4.5 million.Source →
Phishing attacks responsible for 90% of data breaches.Source →
Insider threats jumped by 47% between 2018 and 2020.Source →
Up to 25% of insider incidents are perpetrated by business partners.Source →


Passive authentication will grow 23.65% CAGR from 2018-2028.Source →
Cybercrime will cost $10.5 trillion by 2025.Source →
Only 4% of businesses will receive data after paying a ransom.Source →
0.05% of cybercrime entities detected and prosecuted.Source →
22 billion records exposed in 2021.Source →


The average computer user manages 100 passwords.Source →
95% of cybersecurity breaches are caused by human error.Source →
The AI cybersecurity market will reach US$46.3 billion by 2027.Source →
90% of malware now uses evasive techniques.Source →


300 billion passwords used by humans and machines worldwide.Source →


A typical organization sees 17,000 security alerts per week.Source →

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