Cybersecurity Reference > Glossary
Biometrics is an identity verification strategy and matching set of technologies that authenticate users based on measured physiological attributes, such as the spacing of ridges on a finger, facial features, or the sequence of base pairs in a DNA sample.
In cybersecurity, scans of fingerprints, faces, or retinas are the most commonly used biometric technologies.
Biometric usage remains controversial in cybersecurity circles because static physical features are relatively easy for determined attackers to recreate, and because stolen biometric data has significant privacy implications. Many consider behavioral biometrics to be a considerably improved successor to traditional biometrics, given its increased resistance to impersonation and significantly reduced vulnerability to privacy concerns.

2FA/MFA Rapid Reference
Authentication at a glance
Download the 2FA/MFA Rapid Reference now:
- 2FA and MFA basics and common solutions
- The benefits and drawbacks of each
- Glossary of authentication terms
2FA/MFA Rapid Reference
- 2FA and MFA basics and common solutions
- The benefits and drawbacks of each
- Glossary of authentication terms